~~What I'm Listening To As I Write~~

Friday, August 26, 2011

Plastic Beach Problem

I can't stop listening to Plastic Beach. This is getting pretty scary. I started doing my college homework and it was stuck in my head so badly that I thought I was listening to it. Luckily I grabbed some headphones and now I really am listening to it, so I don't have to be delusional.

Maybe sometime I'll write something in this blog that is actually important. But maybe not. That's ok. I have many blogs.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

Stick Shifts are Fun.

So, I'm going back out to try to get better at driving my manual. The other day I drove around, it was pretty scary, but I think I can get it. I just gotta try it a couple more thousand times and I KNOW I'll have it down.

Well, here I go again.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Candy for your ears.

If you are like many people including myself, then you like to listen to albums all the way through and in order. It's really nice. It's good to get into the feel of one artist and just kinda sit there for a while, like going on vacation somewhere for a couple weeks then going home.

But you know what's really fun? Shuffle. When you haven't put your iPod, Zune, whatever, on shuffle in a while, try it. It's an adventure. And you realize what kinda awesome stuff you have on your iPod, and it's a complete surprise after every song. It's like opening Christmas presents. You may open a present and found you got some awesome socks (I dunno, I love getting socks for Christmas) , or that you got that new laptop you were dying for, or some chocolate that you really love.

So yup, try it.

Random songs that I forgot were on my iPod and found thanks to shuffle.

Just a song I think you should listen to. Simply because you should.

Monday, August 8, 2011


After searching for over a month, I finally have a job. All I need to do is get my drug test and my background check and I should be ready to go.

Music PTSD

This has probably happened to you.

You find an album. This album is amazing in every way, and you wonder where it's been all your life. You never shut up about it, you dream about it, you wake up with songs stuck in your head from it, you learn how to play whatever you are capable of playing from it on the guitar, and you vocalize your love for it to the entire world (via Facebook, blogging, texting, ect.). This album was created a long time ago, way before you were, so you're mad that you didn't find it as soon as you were birthed. 

You are hopelessly OBSESSED.

Then you find another album, love it, but not in the same way. This happens with say, another 20 or so albums.

A year or two passes and you have started stalking blogs like crazy, just to read about other people's angst and music preferences (the two best things to blog about, imo). You come across a post about a song from that album, The Album, the one that you went through so much brain trauma with. You listen to the youtube link--

You experience something similar to PTSD at this moment.

You want to drop everything in your life right now and marry this album, if possible. You look online to see if it is legal to marry an album of music. You get weirded out by the stuff you find when you search "is it possible to marry an inanimate object" and decide against it. However, you are now in a secret relationship with this music.

This just happened to me with Meddle.

I really do love Meddle. Favorite of all Pink Floyd. 

On a side note, I'm still listening to Plastic Beach a whole ton. Mostly selecting songs from it that I really like now.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


"The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma."

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Plastic Beach

I love you Plastic Beach.

Thanks to an extremely awesome person I listened to Plastic Beach. This extremely awesome person will be recurring in this blog because I get tons and tons of music from this extremely awesome person.

Rhinestone Eyes is my favorite song on the album.

After listening to the album straight through about 8 or 9 times, I found that there are really no songs on the album that I dislike. I like them all. All of them I like, most of them I love love love.

Just figured out that Bullet with Butterfly Wings is the theme song for Whale Wars. I am very slow with making connections like this, so I am very very proud of myself.

Now listen to Chameleons, and be exposed to good music. DOO EET.

: D

Friday, August 5, 2011

I analyzed my dreams...

SOOO I usually analyze my dreams every now and then, and I always get the same meaning at the end: That I need to move across the world and get a life. Today, I got a different fortune! (I also had a different dream, finally.)

There you go!

So, what if you don't exactly have a romantic love life....?


Thursday, August 4, 2011

We Hate You Please Die

"This one's called We Hate You Please Die."

(I am still listening to The Antlers and The National obsessively, FYI) First of all, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is a terrific movie. The way it was directed was pretty much genius. Of course, the Scott Pilgrim books are better, but the movie wasn't disappointing compared to the books, like most book-based movies (good luck following that sentence). Second, the soundtrack from the movie is also terrific. Thank you Nigel and Beck. And others.

I am mostly writing this to really annoy one of my blog readers (sorry man), but here goes. So which is better, Coke or Pepsi? The obvious answer is coke. That is all.

On a side note, Dr. Pepper is better than both of those, by a lot, so it is not even worth putting it in the poll.

I'm going to try to drive a manual car again today. Everyone says it's easy but that's because those people have been driving cars since before they were out of diapers. So I'm at a disadvantage here. Because I followed the law and waiting until I had a permit to drive.
You know, before I got my permit, I was asked by my driver's ed instructor what kind of car I drive. "What kind of car do you drive?" "Yeah, I don't drive. You know that law? In the United States? Where you can't drive a car until you have a permit? Yeah, I follow that."
ANYWAY. So apparently it's some unspoken rule that everyone in this beach town I live in is supposed to own and drive their own car before they can even use the toilet. Oh darn.
The most important thing about this entire experience though is that when I learn how to drive this car, I will be a boss because I can drive a manual. I've already driven it a couple times, just got to get the hang of it now.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The National/The Antlers

I know I just made a post about the National, but that was back when I was only listening to Boxer. I have now +1 up.

I have been sucked into a The National phase. I really like them so much. I was trying to listen to other music to get out of it, and I got sucked into The Antlers at the same time. I am hopeless. But found some amazing videos of them playing.

Other than that, I am just hanging around with people who are also just hanging around, doing nothing. I really could listen to music all day. And all night.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I feel like a loser.

That is all.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Fractal Art

I was bored, so I started using Livebrush, a Vector app that came with my tablet, to make Fractal and Vector art. It's so easy that it's not even funny, but it's fun, so who cares?

And for those people who hate reading (not like that's me or anything... O.o), you'll really like this entry. PICTURES FOR THE WIN.