~~What I'm Listening To As I Write~~

Monday, August 8, 2011

Music PTSD

This has probably happened to you.

You find an album. This album is amazing in every way, and you wonder where it's been all your life. You never shut up about it, you dream about it, you wake up with songs stuck in your head from it, you learn how to play whatever you are capable of playing from it on the guitar, and you vocalize your love for it to the entire world (via Facebook, blogging, texting, ect.). This album was created a long time ago, way before you were, so you're mad that you didn't find it as soon as you were birthed. 

You are hopelessly OBSESSED.

Then you find another album, love it, but not in the same way. This happens with say, another 20 or so albums.

A year or two passes and you have started stalking blogs like crazy, just to read about other people's angst and music preferences (the two best things to blog about, imo). You come across a post about a song from that album, The Album, the one that you went through so much brain trauma with. You listen to the youtube link--

You experience something similar to PTSD at this moment.

You want to drop everything in your life right now and marry this album, if possible. You look online to see if it is legal to marry an album of music. You get weirded out by the stuff you find when you search "is it possible to marry an inanimate object" and decide against it. However, you are now in a secret relationship with this music.

This just happened to me with Meddle.

I really do love Meddle. Favorite of all Pink Floyd. 

On a side note, I'm still listening to Plastic Beach a whole ton. Mostly selecting songs from it that I really like now.

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