~~What I'm Listening To As I Write~~

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Candy for your ears.

If you are like many people including myself, then you like to listen to albums all the way through and in order. It's really nice. It's good to get into the feel of one artist and just kinda sit there for a while, like going on vacation somewhere for a couple weeks then going home.

But you know what's really fun? Shuffle. When you haven't put your iPod, Zune, whatever, on shuffle in a while, try it. It's an adventure. And you realize what kinda awesome stuff you have on your iPod, and it's a complete surprise after every song. It's like opening Christmas presents. You may open a present and found you got some awesome socks (I dunno, I love getting socks for Christmas) , or that you got that new laptop you were dying for, or some chocolate that you really love.

So yup, try it.

Random songs that I forgot were on my iPod and found thanks to shuffle.

Just a song I think you should listen to. Simply because you should.

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