~~What I'm Listening To As I Write~~

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Antlers

This is not a recent obsession. In fact, Hospice by the Antlers became a huge phase album just this past July 16, as I was leaving Utah from a week-long visit/vacation. It even surpassed a few other albums on my list, which does NOT happen often.

So far it's the only album I've listened to today, and if I switch to another album it will probably be Burst Apart anyway. So today may just have to be an Antlers day.

My feelings... let's see. Depressed. Slightly angry. Things have not been going my way in many departments of life right now. I'm only 17 and my financial plans aren't working out as I wanted them to, I'm nervous for college and wondering if I'm going to make it, I've been trying to get a job as a pharmacy tech and it's been 4 weeks since I began the search, I just broke up with my boyfriend I've had for 9 months, I just took a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) test and can't access my scores, and I'm in love with my best friend living 2000 miles away.

Yeah, yeah. Poor me. I bet those aren't anything compared to most people's problems, but it's slightly affecting me.

So The Antlers are a great fix for feeling depressed. Listening to Hospice, being about a hospice patient and a doctor's relationship, can usually feed satisfy that "everything-is-so-sad-and-I-hate-it" feeling in your gut and let you get everything out. I know that the album made me cry at least 5 times, and at the time it was just what I needed. As I was told by a friend; "The album is a perfect metaphor for a dying relationship..."

Once you've had your fill of sorrow and wallowing in tears, you can move on to Burst Apart (not that you're leaving Hospice forever) to calm down and eventually go back to your less depressing Indie and Alternative, and if you're just that hipster, your techno, trip-hop, dubstep, electronica....

As for being depressed, sadly this happens a lot to me. But that is also why I'm so addicted to music.



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